proyek sistem conveyor premixed siklopentana

Sistem Conveyor Premixed Cyclopentane

EMM series high-pressure foaming machine is following the international latest high technology and according to word wide the PU industry that independent innovation high technology products .The main parts are import from foreign country, equipment technical and safely performance are reached the word wide advanced capacity. The equipment is widely used automobile industry, insulation industry, air conditioning industry, electric appliance industry and furniture industry and so on. Also, expanding the application field .

EMM dhuwur-tekanan foaming prinsip

Kaping loro Polyol lan Isocyanate disimpen kanthi kapisah ing rong tank, lan nggunakaké loro pompa pengukuran aksial rotary kanggo njupuk bahan kanggo nyampur sirah, rong komponen injeksi menyang kamar sing nyampur karo tekanan dhuwur lan aliran nalika nyampur sirah diwiwiti ing kontrol hidrolik, lan tabrakan kanthi sakliyané, ngowahi transformasi obah sing ngrambah kanggo nyampur lan mili menyang kontrol jamur, sawise nyithak wanciné wektu sing nyampur piston kepala rod maju, kabeh materi sing didadèkaké kanggo nyampur ruang lan kamar sing dicampur diolah kanthi rod ombèt, ora nganthi materi. Komponen liwati ing rod piston bali menyang tangki bahan. Yen ora nyuntikake ing wektu sing suwe, unit switchover kalkulus rekayasa nanging komponen loro-kontrol dadi kalkulator ulang.
Amarga peralatan 'pitungan sing tepat, duwe mundhut cilik lan kudu ora resik lan bakal apik ing lingkungan nglindhungi lan nyuda biaya bahan. Ing kabeh wilayah sing luwih akeh lan luwih akeh digunakake.

PMS series of polyether / cyclopentane premixed and raw material storage delivery system is the Zhangjiagang Strength& Industrious Machinery Co., Ltd tracking international high-end technology products, combined with the application of domestic polyurethane industry independent innovation and development of high-tech products. The main relevant documents to be imported from abroad, the technical performance and safety and reliability of the equipment can reach the advanced level of similar foreign products over the same period. Company by the German authority TÜ V quality system certification.
Polyether / cyclopentane the premixed, storage and conveying system for used in mass production mode, foaming equipment on-site to meet the continuous automatic feeding.

NO.Name and specificationsParameter Teknis Utama
1Cyclopentane metering unitMetering pump: G03
Flowmeter: VC0.2/TM0.55
2Polyether polyols metering unitMetering pump: A2VK55
Flowmeter: VC5
3Static mixerDN30
4Switching valveG1/4, G1
51500L TankChina
6Coil heat exchangerHeat exchange area: 4
7Pneumatic control unitAirTAC
8Sistem Kontrol ListrikPLC Input and output modules: Germany's Siemens
Speaking operator: Siemens OP177

Dhasar Info

Model NO.: PMS-80
Model No.: Pms-80
Daya: 40kw-100kw
Tegangan: 380V Daya liyane Customizable
Garansi: 12 Sasi
Tipe;: Mesin Busa Polyurethane
Raw ;: Polyol and Isocyanate
Prinsip ;: Dhuwur Tekanan Impact
Otomasi ;: Otomatis
Berkomputer ;: Komputerisasi
Sertifikasi; Ce, ISO9001: 2008
Trademark: EMM
Asal: China
Kode HS: 8477800000